domingo, 1 de fevereiro de 2015

A female sexual predator / not Lolita


"You have a great body," I told him. His build was the slender, undeveloped wiry sort whose tautness revealed the shadowy promise of muscles not yet arrived.

"I'm too skinny," he began, but I quickly placed one hand across his mouth to avoid further speech and with the other began rubbing across his chest and down his stomach, dipping a finger inside the elastic band of his shorts to stroke the starting delineation of his pubic hair. I felt his lips part beneath my hand to breathe more heavily; his eyes were traveling a vertical circuit from my crotch up to my breasts. "Have you ever taken off a girl's bra before?" He shook his head no. "They're mysterious little contraptions," I said, turning my back to him and raising the veil of my blond hair over my right shoulder to clear his view. "Go ahead and give it a try." His hands shook as he stumbled with the tiny metal hooks; he was nearly panting as he bent in closer to my back, struggling to see the bra's petite mechanics in the dark. I could smell the mint chewing gum on his breath—he'd indeed prepared himself for a make-out session. Could consent have been any more transparent? Eventually I felt the release of its pressure and Jack gave a victorious sigh.

"Bravo." I smiled at him from over my shoulder, then dropped the bra to the ground and turned back to face him bare-chested. "You've got me pretty worked up, Jack." His hands were down at his sides, bracing; he'd scooted back over to the right, as far away from me as the tiny backseat would allow. I got up on all fours and crawled over to him, my breasts hanging level with his face. "Feel how hard my nipples are." He started to reach out his hand but I pulled away and gave him a teasing smile. "Not with your fingers," I said, correcting him. "With your tongue."

Nodding, he scooted closer and stuck his tongue as far out from his lips as he could manage, as though he'd just been dared to lick a metal pole in the winter. His eyes were open wide, visually taking in the target—he seemed to be worried that he wouldn't be able to find my breast if he closed them. I lowered my head and watched the pink-on- pink contact, my nipple beginning to glisten with Jack's saliva. Dutifully, he fully wetted one, moved over and wetted the other, then sat back and looked up at me with eyes that awaited further instruction. "That felt perfect," I said encouragingly. "I knew you'd be really good at this." I sat down in front of him with my legs bent open; the thin lace string of the thong covered the tip of my clitoris but not much else. "Have you ever put your fingers inside a girl?"

Even in the dark I could make out the hot blush that was covering his cheeks. "I haven't done much," he said. The sound of his breathing suggested he was running away from something.

"Why is that?" I asked. "You're certainly good-looking." My hands wrapped around the jersey of his cloth-covered penis and began to stroke. He folded a leg up and sat on it, squirming with nervous energy as the speed of my fingers increased. Compliments seemed to freak him out more than relax him.

"I'm just shy with girls I guess," he said. I watched him swallow three times before speaking again. "I never know what to say."

I lifted my hands from the wad of fabric swirled up around the shape of his erection and found the panel opening of the crotch, then slowly moved it down to reveal his penis. Lowering my head so my hair fell across it, I spoke just above it like it was a microphone. "You can relax, Jack," I said, bathing its tip in my warm breath. "You don't have to say anything." With that, I licked my lips, then slid them down over him, slowly arching my neck and extending my throat until my mouth came to the base. He made a gasping noise and bucked a little, writhing in a disoriented way that bumped the head of his cock against the roof of my mouth. I gave him a quick thirty seconds of advanced sucking, my tongue fluttering against his underside until I could taste the salty bitters of pre-ejaculate, then sat back up and wiped my mouth off on my arm.

12 comentários:

  1. Desconhecia a defesa 'too pretty for jail' utilizada para evitar tempo de prisão no caso em que o livro de alguma forma se baseia.

    Já leste?

    1. É interessante perceber como a sociedade reage à mesma situação, quando praticada por géneros diferentes. Tentar perceber por que razão, no geral (onde vinga a opinião masculina), o caso de pedofilia entre mulher/rapaz não teve um carga tão negativa, mas as mulheres (mães) responderam com uma violência que, na generalidade, não lhes vejo na pedofilia homem/menina. Muito interessante tentar perceber se receiam perder o seu lugar de únicas mulheres na vida dos seus jovens meninos ou se é da educação machista, que ao longo de milhares de anos se infiltrou no nosso sangue. (Agrada-me pensar que, aquando da era recolectora, nómadas, homem e mulher, tinham igual importância no núcleo familiar).

      Quando ao livro, embora não o considerando grande peça de literatura, acredito que valha a pena, especialmente porque nos altera as perspectivas de género num assunto delicado, mas ainda não o li.

    2. Não tinha pensado nisso, foquei a minha atenção mais no quase se glorificar no meio masculino um acontecimento como o descrito. É interessante o que escreveste, e se calhar ainda hoje existirão alguns focos de igualdade em locais não contaminados por essa educação que referes.

  2. Narrativa de um iniciante.... bela forma de iniciar alguém!!!

    1. Tendo a concordar, houve suavidade na iniciação :)

  3. Admito a minha falta de paciência para ler em inglês, não é para mim:D

    1. É um pouco mais cansativo, mas neste caso, a opacidade da escrita é escassa. Light, se assim lhe quiseremos chamar.

  4. Credo mulher, que excerto mais longo...

    1. E assim se percebe que nem o leste, R&A, ou terias percebido que o tamanho do excerto é o retrato completo de uma das cenas fulcrais do livro :)

    2. Reparei agora que não lhe respondi sô dona Vera...
      Não, este não me passou pelas mãos... talvez possa emprestar-mo quando acabar o que estou a ler :P


  5. Por acaso tenho lido que nos Estados Unidos há muitos casos de pedofilia entre professoras e alunos.
    Para os nossos lados que se saiba a grande maioria são pedófilos de género masculino, por que será?

    A capa do livro é cinco estrelas :)

    1. Também tenho essa percepção, não sei se está certa ou não.

      (Tinha de a colocar, inocentemente provocadora :)
